Registration of X-ray Diagnostics with ELORA

Registration of X-ray Diagnostics with ELORA

Medical X-ray facilities operating in India are to be registered under the control of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board’s (AERB) by recent parliamentary standing committee report. This would be done by increasing standard at dealer and manufacturers side rather than at user end. According to Atomic Energy Rules, 2004, registration of radiation producing units with the nuclear regulator is compulsory.

AERB in its official response said, in a large country like India, it is not practical to inspect all X-ray facilities, so it will ask dealers of X-ray units to get their product certified and approved by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board’s before releasing them into the market.

The process called ‘Type Approval’ would involve review and certification X-ray units design to confirm its quality and precision during the use as poor design may result in unnecessary radiation exposure to patient. The said committee was reviewing the improvement made by AERB in setting up state-level Directorate of Radiation Safety (DRS) for the radiological facility safety operation.

AERB has launched a web-based online interactive system for quick and problem free registration and licensing called e-LORA (Electronic-Licensing of radiation applications) has been recently opened for users. The system is aimed at achieving paperless licensing of Radiation Facilities. All institutes who are possessing medical diagnostic x-ray equipments are required to obtain Licence for operation from AERB.

All the x-ray equipment users (who have already obtained AERB Licence/Registration earlier and those who have not obtained AERB Licence /Registration till now) are required to register through e-LORA.

Guidelines to operate e-LORA system
General Information (For all practices)
  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Professional Role
  4. Document /card for Proof of Identity and Date of Birth
  5. Document/Card No
  6. e-mail
  7. Mobile No
  8. Attachment for your photograph
  9. Attachment for Proof of Identity and Date of Birth
  10. Attachment for Proof of Education
  11. Attachment for Proof of Experience
  12. Other attachments
Steps for obtaining ‘Licence’ through e-LORA (e-Licensing of Radiation Applications)

Step 1: Register your institute with eLORA

Step 2: Declaration of x-ray equipment details with eLORA. After receiving user id and password, user can go to eLORA home page

  1. Login using your User name and Password. User will reach into home page of institute
  2. Menu will be displayed
  3. Provide required details and submit the form.
  4. After successful submission, a submission message with equipment id will be displayed.

Step 3:

  1. If declared x-ray equipment already has valid AERB Licence/Registration: Record Licence details

In case if the declared x-ray equipment is having valid licence for operation (Licence/Registration), the same should be recorded in eLORA.

  1. The form for recording licence details can also be opened from ‘Home page’
  1. If declared x-ray equipment does not have valid AERB Licence/Registration: Obtain AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board’s ) Licence for operation
  2. Provide required details and submit the form. Following details are to be provided;
  3. Equipment Id (to be selected from provided List – all your declared equipments will appear here)
  4. Reference number of licence for operation
  5. Issuance date
  6. Expiry date
  7. Scanned copy of licence for operation (Licence/Registration) to be uploaded

A message will be displayed after successful submission; the submitted application form can be downloaded from the link provided.

Guidelines for Submission of Institute Registration Application Form

Institute Registration facilitates registration of institutes in the eLORA system. After successful registration, user account is created in eLORA. The Employer of institute gets USERNAME and PASSWORD for accessing eLORA system on the Email address as provided in application form. The system is operational for registration of following facilities and associated stakeholders:

  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Radiotherapy
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • RIA (Radio Immuno Assay)
  • Gamma Irradiation Chamber
  • Industrial Radiography
  • Nucleonic Gauge
  • Well Logging
  • Gamma Radiation Processing Facility
  • IARPF (Industrial Accelerator and Radiation Processing Facility)
  • Medical Cyclotron
  • Research and Sealed Source
  • Research
  • Transport Package Manufacturers
  • DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) Facilities-For Transport Approvals
  • Directorate of Radiation Safety/Radiation Safety Agency
  • Calibration Facility
  • Consumer Product

The following are the information needed for the Submission of Institute Registration Application Form,

Institute Details
  1. Institute Name
  2. Institute Type
  3. Registered with any Government Authority
  4. Certificate No
  5. PAN
  6. TAN
  7. Address of Institution
  8. Address of Communication
  9. Contact Details
  10. Type of Facility
Employer Detail
  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Document/Card for Proof of Identity and Date of Birth
  4. Document/Card No
  5. Residential Address
  6. Permanent Address
  7. Contact Details
  1. Proof of Identity and Date of Birth
  2. Proof of Employership
  3. PAN of Institute
  4. TAN of Institute
  5. Adhar Card of Employer
  6. Proof of Registration with State/Central/Local Government Authority


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