Check if your medical device has price control in India

Check if your medical device has price control in India

The government finally comes into act as the complaints over the pricing of medical devices such as cardiac stents, implants. There has been a recommendation on the creation of the National Medical Devices Authority (NDMA), an autonomous body for price control by bringing it under the Essential Commodities Act said an official. Presently, the drug prices are notified through the Drug Prices Control Order. The government may also announce a separate policy for the price control of identified medical devices.

The NMDA may have an head ranked with additional/joint secretory and will include a secretory,  two medical practitioners, two medical device technologists or scientists and the secretary general of Quality Council of India (ex-officio).  In India, 70 to 80% of medical devices are imported while the domestic industry manufactures medical supplies and disposables. The complaints for over pricing has relatively increased over the last few months, as the medical devices is sold at a price of three to four times higher than the landing cost.

Regulated Medical devices include spinal needles, cochlear implants, annuloplasty rings, trachestomy tubes, syringes and needle, dental implants (dental market overview), surgical sealants, heart valves, cardiac stents, orthopedic implants, spinal implants, endotracheal tubes, and catheters, among others. Diagnostic equipment, several IVDs, medical equipment require special considerations.

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