Norovirus An Extreme Contagious Virus

Norovirus An Extreme Contagious Virus

Norovirus is the most common reason of viral gastroenteritis in humans. It affects around 700 million people worldwide each year. Health care cost more than $4 billion a year and cost jumps further to $64 billion in the condition of lost productivity and other societal costs.

Norovirus can cause symptoms such as nausea, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. There is no specific vaccine or treatment to treat infected people with norovirus illness and no cure in antibiotics because it is not a bacterial infection.

The study was published online in the journal PLOS One, shows the need for continuous efforts to prevent the disease, the researchers said.

This Norovirus needs more attention because the costs related with this virus are extremely higher than for many diseases includes rotavirus. India may not have faced hard times with the Zika virus but it was a Biotech moment for India for developing a vaccine, which huge western pharma giants couldn’t – India’s Biotech Moment.

The researchers said, the first is the findings to evaluate the global economic effect of the highly contagious virus (can transmit from person to another), which is common in both poor and rich nations.

The preventive measure of Norovirus involves:

  • Proper hand washing & disinfectants
  • Food Safety (While preparing food)
  • Improving water sources
  • Keeping sick people(norovirus)away from others

This Norovirus affects people of all ages and all kind of people so we need to focus and teach people the preventive measures, Bartsch (Research Associate) said in a Hopkins news release.

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