CDSCO to Change its Name?

CDSCO to Change its Name?

The Indian drug regulator CDSCO (Central Drug Standard Control Organization) is all set to be revamped to a world class drug regulator. Inspired by the US FDA, India is making its drug regulator more efficient and of high quality. The CDSCO also might receive a new name “Central Drug Administration” if the proposal was put into practice.  An official informed, “The proposal is likely to be taken by the cabinet in two weeks”. READ ALSO: Labeling requirements for registration of medical devices.

After revamping, the Central Drug Administration (CDA) is directly to come under Ministry of Health which is a major development. Currently, CDSCO is under the control of DHGS. The overhaul process also includes massive man power expansion in 2015 – 2025. The current status of 561 employees is to be increased to 1800 which is almost three times of the current manpower. This will make sure the regulations are hassle free considering the US FDA has alerted that there will be increase in imports to the country. READ ALSO: How to register your medical device in India?. Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Laboratories, New Emerging Areas and Ayush are all included as the verticals of CDA (Central Drug Administration), the new regulatory body. The Health Ministry is taking different steps to increase the funds and has proposed a revision in fees after 13 years for drug import, registration and licensing  to make it profitable. The draft gives the budget of RS 1729 crores for the revamp process by 2015.

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